Mt. Songnisan Chong-ipum Red Pine

기사입력 2019.09.16 10:02 조회수 1,801

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This Red Pine designated Natural Monument No. 103 is, together with a venerable ginkgo tree at Yongmun Temple, among Korea's most renowned trees.


The pine, which stands at the entrance to Popchu Temple, is estimated to be 600 years old. A historical anecdote is associated with its name. King Sejo, who ruled in the early years of the Choson Kingdom, was on his way to Popchu Temple in 1464 when the palanquin in which he was riding struck one of this tree's branches.


The branches miraculously lifted themselves, showing due deference to the country's ruler. King Sejo was deeply moved and bestowed the ministerial rank of Chong-ipum, the third highest rank bestowed on government officials, on the red pine. 

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